Kilde Medic (UAW) Ultrasonic-Assisted Wound Debridement Device

Revolutionizing Wound Care with Kilde Medic Ultrasonic debridement Device


Kilde Medic (UAW) Ultrasonic-Assisted Wound Debridement Device

Revolutionizing Wound Care with Kilde Medic Ultrasonic debridement Device


Kilde Medic UAW (Ultrasonic-Assisted Wound Debridement Device)


Unlike traditional surgical debridement procedures, UAW disrupts the wound biofilm and effectively removes the devitalized tissue right up to the healthy tissue. This results in a clean, viable wound bed and faster granulation. Antimicrobial therapies and the body’s own defense responses will work better, reducing the formation of new bacterial biofilms.

Even hard-to-reach areas or deep ulcers can be debrided without extensive surgical intervention. Wound treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis and very often without local anaesthetic, by doctors or specialized nursing staff.

Kilde Medic UAW is easy to transport, so outpatient treatments at the patient’s home are definitely an option.

Kilde Medic UWI Handel
Kilde Medic UWI Handel
Kilde Medic UAW Foot Pedal
Kilde Medic UWI Handels

The Science of Ultrasonic Wound Debridement and Cavitation Principles

Creation of Cavitation Bubbles

Minuscule cavitation bubbles are meticulously created by the ultrasonic vibration of this UAW instrument. These tiny bubbles within the irrigation solution are integral to the transformative process.

Bubble Implosion and Microjets

Due to fluctuations in pressure, these cavitation bubbles undergo rapid implosion, which eventually generates microjets, the powerful sonic shock waves.

Precise & Effective Debridement

Acting just like microscopic surgeons, these microjets effectively remove foreign bodies, and devitalized tissues from the wound bed.

Preservation of Healthy Tissues

The higher elastin content of this advanced technology ensures that healthy tissues remain intact. It is designed basically to ensure an efficient and rapid healing process.

A Versatile Solution- UAW Device to Heal Wounds

This versatile solution caters to a wide spectrum of wounds so that you can ensure to address every patient with different types of wounds. With a single tool, you can initiate a healing process in no time.

Chronic Wounds

Chronic Wounds ​

Ensuring minimal patient discomfort, the UAW instrument offers a comprehensive approach by accelerating the healing process and debriding necrotic tissue. Leg ulcers are often considered as challenging to manage and the UAW instrument makes it convenient to deal with.

To address the challenges posed by pressure ulcers, this innovative UAW instrument provides comprehensive results by reducing discomfort and promoting quick healing. It provides more efficient care to the patients and enhances their well-being & comfort.

This cutting-edge technology aids in the effective management of complex wounds also. Patients with diabetes often need optimal care and this instrument ensures for better outcomes, reduced complications, and enhanced quality of life.

Acute Wounds

Acute Wounds​

To minimize the risk of infection and ensure optimal healing, post-operative wound care is essential. For that, the Kilde Medic UAW instrument offers advanced wound management techniques for more efficient & faster healing.

Burn wounds require tissue regeneration. For better burn wound management, this instrument supports faster tissue regeneration, improves patient comfort, and even reduces scarring during the entire healing process.

The most critical and delicate process in wound care is Spilt skin graft sites. This advanced Kilde Medic UAW instrument simplifies the process and increases the success rate of grafts besides reducing complications.

Infections in wounds can complicate the situation. For this, UAW instruments effectively combat infections, reduce complications, and even accelerate the recovery process. You get targeted and timely interventions ensuring better wound care and reduced infections.

Besides fulfilling basic demands of effectiveness and precision, the Kilde Medic UAW device promotes rapid trauma wound healing. Despite the cause of such wounds, such as injuries, accidents, or any such traumatic event, this aid is effective in managing wounds, ultimately leading to better results for the patients.

Elevate your wound care with the UAW Ultrasonic Debridement Device. Experience faster, more effective treatment and improved patient outcomes—request a demo or order now to see the difference!

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